Sign Up

be a disciple • host participants • lead events

Register to stay in contact and choose one of the five ways you can be involved.

Young Adults & College Students (18-34): Sign up for one of the next weekend intensives to overcome obstacles to identity and purpose.

#1. WHO I AM Weekend Intensive

Campus Ministry Leaders and Students: Sign up to get the guide and help leading the DISCIPLE Course.

#2. Leaders’ Guide for DISCIPLE Course

Students & Young Adults: Sign up to design a specialized outreach to integrate your faith with your studies or career. We will enroll you in the Converge Course to guide you step-by-step to complete a personalized project.

#3. Converge Fellows Course

Missionaries & Leaders: Sign up to host Converge Fellows for your organization/project. We will enroll you in the Host Short Course to guide you in creating your Converge Fellows Program.

#4. Host Converge Fellows

YWAM Staff & Network Volunteers: Sign up for a live 5-week online orientation to all Converge Programs and Resources.

#5. Converge Coordinators Course

#6. Converge App

Sign up to use the Converge App to coordinate and administer all your group events. Find out how easy it is to set up an outreach or course and save 80+ hours on administrative tasks.

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To Know God & Make Him Known

In Nations through Vocations

Terms and Conditions

Address: YWAM Converge, Haven House, 204 Liebig St., Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 USA

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YWAM Converge, also known as YWAM Student Centre, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 54-1882074. Donations are tax-deductible. ©2023 YWAM Student Centre. All rights reserved. Terms of service. Staff

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