Come find out how your story connects to God’s story and His mission. Come grow with a contagious, transparent, and intimate friendship with God, following the pathway from Peter’s second letter to “to confirm your calling.” (2 Peter 1:3-10)
Peter writes that if you “make every effort” to follow these commitments, they will keep you from being “ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
The WHO I AM Weekend Intensive is presented over 3 days, beginning Friday at 5 o’clock pm to Sunday at 12 noon.
1. Go deeper in with Transformational Prayer;
Staff the next Weekend Intensive (maybe as a co-leader of a Story Group);
Start a Discipleship group in your community; or
Apply for a Converge Fellowship to complete a personalized project related to your Calling.
If the weekend intensive brought difficult parts of your story to the surface, don’t bury it again. Go deep for a more complete healing. Seek additional help through Transformational Prayer.
If you and another student want to start a discipleship group on campus, we can help. Begin with a weekly Table discussion group.
Learn how to get the DISCIPLE Course started on your campus with our Student Leaders’ Guide.
Learn about Converge Fellowships for students, YWAMers, or any young adult. Watch this 2-minute video.
"Christians have largely shut up their spirituality into a small corner of life -Sunday church or their Bible studies - instead of realizing the Lordship of Christ is to permeate the whole spectrum of life. They have coasted along complacently, often serving up such doctrine as, 'You can't mix religion and politics, 'You can't legislate morality,' or 'We just need to pray and witness to people.' When what they really meant was, 'we just don't want to be disturbed.'"
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Address: YWAM Converge, Haven House, 204 Liebig St., Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 USA
YWAM Converge, also known as YWAM Student Centre, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 54-1882074. Donations are tax-deductible. ©2023 YWAM Student Centre. All rights reserved. Terms of service. Staff