student-led • visiting speakers • on-campus

Develop a Discipleship Culture

Use the Student Leader’s Guide to start and lead a weekly on-campus

Discipleship and Outreach Course.

Any two students can register to lead the DISCIPLE Course on-campus. If you want more discipleship on your campus, we can help you get started.

NOTE: It’s great if you have YWAM experience, however completing YWAM’s Discipleship Training School is not a prerequisite.

Steps to Launch the DISCIPLE Course

The DISCIPLE Course is designed to be student-led. You can help lead students to know God better. You can  deepen your intimacy with God while you help lead others to participate in Christ's Mission. Take a deep dive into the character of God; intercession for the nations; hearing God’s voice; spiritual warfare; the justice of God; and your role in Christ’s Church and His Mission.

#1. Pray

Ask God what breaks His heart on your campus. Meet with one or more believers to share your vision for the DISCIPLE Course. If two or more agree in prayer, then you can take the next step together in faith. Remember, we are here to help.

#2. Student-Led Team

Our online leaders’ guide includes basic instructions and resources to help you get started. It includes a flexible curriculum and job descriptions for a student-led team. After you have decided to run the DISCIPLE Course, call a meeting and invite volunteers to take leadership responsibilities, such as Emcee, Prayer, Worship, Hospitality, Social Media, Photography, Tech, Bookkeeping, Local and International Outreach.

#3. Meeting Space and Schedule

The curriculum is flexible, so you may plan on a minimum of 7, or up to 12 weekly meetings. Meeting times may be from 6:30 to 9:30 PM.

It’s best if you are a registered student organization, so you can reserve meeting space on campus. If you’re not part of a student organization, consider starting one. Plan ahead. You’ll need a Christian faculty advisor and a few other students.

#4. Speakers

Speakers bring core lessons and application. They can be local pastors, marketplace ministers, and christian faculty members. The list of topics is provided in the . One of YWAM’s Foundational Values is “First Do, Then Teach.”Not all speakers will be familiar with YWAM’s original Discipleship Training School, however they should be encouraged to teach from experience. We can help you choose speakers.

#5. Lead Course and Prepare for Outreach

The DISCIPLE Course weekly gatherings are intended to ignite passion for Christ through intimate times of worship and intercession; through inspirational teachings and testimonies about the Character of God and His Ways; and through love in action during the outreaches.  

What You Will Learn.

You will develop a deeper understanding of your identity in Christ and his purpose for your life, relationships, and career. You will gain an understanding of God’s nature and character from a Biblical worldview. And you will explore Christ’s Call to be his witnesses in every nation and through every vocation.

Why Using Your Major is So Important

Trent Shepard

Local and International Outreach.

Though not required, your group can do a local outreach, such as a neighborhood bible distribution, and/or an international outreach. We are here to help. Reach out if you have questions.

Register to Get Started.

If you are a YWAMer or a friend of YWAM with a desire to make disciples on campus, you can register now and we will help you get started. When you register you will be enrolled in the online Leaders' Guide. We can meet with you and a few others as you pray and plan. We can pray with you, and help you line up speakers and outreach plans. If you pay the $35 registration fee, you and your team will get access to the YWAM Team Outreach App to manage your outreach.

Before you register below, let’s clarify roles. When you register you are committing to be the DISCIPLE Course Host Leader, or find one. Ideally, the Host Leader is a YWAMer or former YWAMer, but you can be the host even if you are not a YWAMer. All DISCIPLE Course Host Leaders need a good reference from a YWAM staff person. When filling out the registration, you will need a YWAM staff person to serve as a personal references.

Help lead the DISCIPLE Course on campus.

You may enroll in the Leaders Guide Course and create your own on-campus DISCIPLE Course experience if you choose. Although the Leaders Guide is designed for a practical on-campus discipleship experience, you may use our resources to create your own course.

Take the Leader’s Guide Course

Start a Campus Discipleship Group

Ask us. We can help you start a student organization on campus.

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To Know God & Make Him Known

In Nations through Vocations

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Address: YWAM Converge, Haven House, 204 Liebig St., Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 USA

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