Converge App

dashboard • donations/payments • public pages

Focus on your People

Don’t get bogged down with administrative tasks.

Get Automated Reminders, Reference notices, Announcements, and Deadlines

Dashboards and Profile Pages for Participants, Leaders, and Co-Leaders

Participant & Group Landing Pages with Social Fundraising

Group Travel Quotes, Booking, & Notifications

Electronic Signatures & Background Checks

Build the annual fee of $300 into the participant registration fee. See discounts on our International Fee Scale.  

The Converge App is a $300 annual investment to save 80+ hours on your event management.

Give it a quick look.

If you are a YWAM/UofN Staff or a Friend of YWAM, you can sign up to create and administrate your outreaches or courses. When you do, your YWAM ministry/organization will be listed on the Converge Partners Page.

Let’s create your event!

Personal Assistance

Leading a team or hosting interns, we can help you from start to finish. Register to use the Team Outreach App and we’ll walk you through the process of launching your outreach or internship team so you can start recruiting and registering participants right away.

“You really made this mountain climbable.”

Mary Cartisano - Northern Ireland Team Leader


You can use the Converge App to invite and coordinate events and teams at your location.

Team Leaders

You can use the Converge App to invite participants to a team outreach you are leading anywhere.

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To Know God & Make Him Known

In Nations through Vocations

Terms and Conditions

Address: YWAM Converge, Haven House, 204 Liebig St., Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 USA

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YWAM Converge, also known as YWAM Student Centre, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 54-1882074. Donations are tax-deductible. ©2023 YWAM Student Centre. All rights reserved. Terms of service. Staff

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