Converge Stories is where we do theology, create community, and navigate life in a world of expressive individualism and cultural amnesia. Our stories are forgotten, distorted, and painful. We need to know our stories because you cannot know your calling to engage God’s world if you do not know your story.
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The book of Genesis opens Communications. God is the Original Communicator. Your internal thoughts, which are formed into words, did not begin with you. God spoke His thoughts and created everything that is, and then He said, “It is good.”
The risen Christ revealed Himself as God, all powerful and personal, and he spoke these words to His followers, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
If you are called to Communications, God’s grace empowers you to communicate God’s truth everywhere.
This is how a missional internship experience could change your life and millions of others.
Xian, a Carnegie-Mellon student did his Engineering internship with us in East Timor. He said: “My experience left an indelible mark on me.” The internship led him to start a company called D.light Design, a global leader and pioneer in delivering affordable solar-powered solutions for people in the developing world and has transformed the lives of over 125 million people.
Twenty years ago, John Hwang led an amazing internship team to East Timor. We collaborated with several other agencies, in partnership with our host YWAM East Timor.
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Why are university ministries important? Let’s start by going back to the beginning when God created everything. God spoke the universe into existence with a single phrase: “Light, be!” From that moment on there have been stars in the expanse to light the daytime and the night skies. Follow me on a virtual prayer walk around a dark university campus. During this time of prayer for universities, let’s pray for God to turn on some bright lights of revelation so we can then take an actual prayer walk on a university campus in our area. As we walk across our virtual campus in prayer, let’s pray and turn on seven bright campus lights to reveal the importance of the university.
YWAM International’s monthly call to prayer, “The Invitation” focused on students and universities internationally. You can subscribe to the Invitation here.
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Address: YWAM Converge, Haven House, 204 Liebig St., Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 USA
YWAM Converge, also known as YWAM Student Centre, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 54-1882074. Donations are tax-deductible. ©2023 YWAM Student Centre. All rights reserved. Terms of service. Staff